
The Breadth of LEGO Serious Play

Recent Clients:
by Michael Fearne in Innovation

Through LEGO Serious Play I’ve got to run workshops with people that I normally wouldn’t get to meet. And I’ve taught the method to people who have then gone on to work with it in diverse, amazing fields.

This article is a short survey of my experiences to show people the diversity and breadth you can achieve with this amazing method.

My Workshops

Most of my workshops are in the corporate world. Sounds boring right? Stuffy suits and serious looks… but it’s been quite the opposite. I’ve worked with wonderful people in a wide range of fascinating companies:

  • The world’s biggest toy company
  • One of the biggest tech companies
  • Mental Health Conferences
  • A World Class Museum
  • Nation spanning Telcos
  • Banks and Financial Services
  • Leading Management Consulting Firms
  • Car Companies
  • Design Agencies, Government Departments, and on and on and on

The point of this long laundry list is that LSP is applicable across a wide range of industries. In fact every industry. Where people gather and have conversations, LEGO Serious Play can potentially help.

Each one of these organisations was using LSP in a different way. A different conversation and a different outcome.

One last example to make the point. I used LSP with a group of 18 year old, blue collar, apprentice bus mechanics in an outer suburb of Brisbane (Australia). So random and such a good conversation.

People I’ve Taught

This is where it gets really interesting and the reason why I train people.

Here are a couple of examples of people who I’ve trained and have gone on to use LSP in a variety of situations:

  • Education programs in women’s legal services / domestic violence prevention
  • A project to engage traditional land owners in Timor Leste
  • To help school principals improve the running of catholic schools
  • Community engagement at a local council
  • Engaging problem youth in a local police education session
  • Helping improve learning in education, both high schools and universities

And excitedly I’m in discussion to help someone learn LSP to use for indigenous consultation purposes right here in Australia. Very exciting.

So the purpose of all this is to show you how broadly LEGO Serious Play as a method is being used. And spark some ideas of the amazing possibilities for the future.